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Over Hundred Exciting International Opportunities Showcased at the 2016 Study Abroad Fair

November 10, 2016

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The 2016 UW Study Abroad Fair on November 8th saw a vibrant crowd as over 2000 students came to explore the diverse learning and funding opportunities offered at through UW to study overseas.

A total of 109 exhibitors were presented at the fair, allowing students to interact with alumni of study abroad programs, UW advisers, and representatives from seventy universities from around the world offering student exchanges and affiliated programs.

Also represented were thirty-nine UW departments and resource offices. The fair held separate information sessions with UW resources persons to allow students to learn in depth the opportunities available through the universities, and also opportunities to bring questions to help navigate the sometimes complicated application process!

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The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies showcased exciting information on Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships of which the Center for Global Studies awards between eight and twelve fellowships to graduate and undergraduate students every year.

Offering a wide scope of interdisciplinary area studies programs and resources were the Henry M. Jackson School’s South Asia Center, Canadian Studies Center, the Center for West European Studies and the EU Center, who drew many students interested in research, language learning, or training opportunities at these integral regions in world affairs today.

Make sure to check out the Henry M Jackson School’s website for more information on these resource centers and explore upcoming events, courses, training, research, and funding opportunities that are available to Seattle communities as well as UW students!

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