Careers in US Foreign Policy
Monday, April 12, 2021 | 4:00 – 5:30 pm (PST) | More information | Zoom link
Navigating Global Careers Speaker | Careers in U.S. Foreign Policy | Carmela Conroy, U.S. Consul General (retired)
Please join us for the first installment of the Jackson School’s Spring 2021 Navigating Global Careers speaker series with the talk, “Careers in US Foreign Policy,” by Carmela Conroy, US Consul General (retired). Moderated by Paul Carrington, Managing Director, East Asia Center.
This event is free and open to all UW students, faculty, and staff also welcome. No registration required.
Conroy’s talk will provide an informative overview of Foreign Service Officer (FSO) career pathways. Drawing from her rich experience, she’ll introduce a wide range of FSO activities, provide practical guidance on how to pursue such careers, and explain why UW students should consider doing so.
Conroy (B.A. International Studies, 1984) joined the U.S. Foreign Service in 1996 and spent most of her career as a political officer negotiating and promoting U.S. interests focused on international, national, local, and personal security policy issues. She served in leadership roles in Afghanistan, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan and Washington D.C. Conroy is now based in Spokane, her hometown, thinking globally and acting locally to further promote our democratic experiment.
Zoom meeting link: Click here to join on April 12 at 4pm PST.
Full Zoom information here.
The Navigating Global Careers Speaker Series is sponsored by the East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Global Studies Center, in partnership with the JSIS Office of Academic Services.