Instructor: Yan Zhu
Time: MWF 12:30 PM- 1:20 PM
Location:MGH 286
SLN: 10538
Credits: 3-5
Prerequisites: This class is taught in Chinese. For intermediate to advanced level Chinese language learners.
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Chinese for Professional Purposes is a comprehensive course designed for intermediate to advanced level Chinese language learners seeking to develop their Chinese proficiency for professional purposes through discussions, presentations, and interviews.
Throughout the course, students will focus on formal language and develop their listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills through the textbook “Chinese for Working Professionals” by Yi Zhou and Haidan Wang, as well as a related TV series called “The Rational Life.” This course covers a wide range of topics relevant to professionals in many fields, including career preparation, confronting changes, the sharing economy, cross-cultural communication, resolving conflicts and cultural differences, and more. The related TV series will be used to enhance students’ understanding of the language. Course content and projects are designed to help students develop the necessary proficiency to confidently navigate a wide range of professional settings.
The course is offered for 3 or 5 credits. Students who choose to enroll for 5 credits will have the opportunity to work with a tutor or teacher to develop their language skills through an individualized, ca reer-oriented study plan. By the end of the course, students will be able to use Chinese effectively and professionally in a variety of contexts.