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U.S.-China: Trade, Tech, and the Party Congress

James Green
Office of the United States Trade Representative, Chinese Embassy Friday, October 27th
2pm Thomson Hall 317

Trade tension continue to simmer between the world’s two largest economies and Beijing is tightening up on foreign participation in many parts of the technology sector as the Chinese Communist Party prepares for its 19th Congress that will pick personnel and shape policy for the next ve years. What to make of it all? Join Minister Counselor for Trade A airs at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing for a discussion on the state of U.S.-China relations, the challenge of the tech economy, and how President Xi Jinping is driving leadership politics for the coming decade.

James Green is the Office of the United States Trade Representative’s (USTR) Minister Counselor for Trade A airs assigned to the U.S. Embassy in China and serves an advisor to the Ambassador on trade policy. Mr. Green has worked for over two decades on U.S.-China relations for the U.S. Government and in the private sector. Before coming to Beijing, Mr. Green worked as a consultant assisting a range of U.S. companies and industry associations to improve market opportunities and build lasting relationships with Chinese stakeholders. He has worked in a number of capacities in the U.S. Government, including as a member of the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Sta on East Asia policy and at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. From 2004-06, Mr. Green established and headed the government relations department at the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai – Asia’s largest AmCham. Earlier in his career, Mr. Green served as the China Director of the White House’s National Security Council.