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China Studies Fall 2019 Course List

September 24, 2019

The following courses on China are being offered during Fall Quarter. Links redirect to relevant time schedule.


Government and Politics of China

JSIS A 408 Government and Politics of China (5) I&S  S. WHITING
Post-1949 government and politics, with emphasis on problems of political change in modern China. Offered: jointly with POL S 442.


Chinese Political Economy 

JSIS 484 Special Topics in East Asian Studies (5) I&S SECTION E. C. YANG

JSIS 584 Special Topics (5) SECTION D. C. YANG


Chinese Social History

JSIS A 456 Topics in Chinese Social History (5) I&S M. Y. Dong

Surveys major issues and approaches to the study of the role of the Chinese people in China’s historical development. Historical focus of course varies with instructor. Offered: jointly with HSTAS 456.


The Chinese Language

CHIN 442 The Chinese Language (5) VLPA  H. ZEV

Covers the same topics as CHIN 342 (students attend CHIN 342 lectures), with additional readings and assignments. Provides necessary background for 500-level courses in Chinese linguistics and textual study. Intended for graduate students or advanced undergraduates. Required: Reading ability in Chinese.


Seminar in Modern Culture

CHIN 587 Seminar in Modern Culture (5, max. 15) J. Hamm

Directed study of aspects of twentieth-century Chinese literary and popular cultures. Provides both historical coverage and a grounding in various theoretical and methodological problems. Topics include print culture, cinema, popular music, as well as aspects of material culture; emphasis varies. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered: AWSp.