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JSIS faculty highlights

January 15, 2021

Associate Professor and Chair of the South Asia Center Sunila S. Kale is the special issue editor of the November issue of The Journal of Peasant Studies on comparative land politics in China and India. Kale has also written on the topic in this recent piece also published in the Journal on November 6, 2020.

The twelve articles in this special issue feature the work of scholars studying the dispossession of rural land in China and India. Each offers new insights about the extent and patterns of dispossession, the complex dynamics driving it, the consequences for farmers, as well as the factors shaping resistance or compliance.


In “On the High Seas: CIMSEC’s Top 10 Pieces of 2020” Affiliate Faculty and Jackson School Alum (B.A. International Studies) Tabitha Grace Mallory’s co-authored article “Evolution of the Fleet: A Closer Look at the Chinese Fishing Vessels off the Galapagos,”  is listed as No. 1 of the most-read articles by CIMSEC readers in 2020.

CIMSEC, or the Center for International Maritime Security, is a non-partisan think tank headquartered in Maryland with chapters in 30 countries.

Read the article.

Faculty Scott Montgomery’s latest piece, “What Has Happened? A Comment on the True State of American Democracy in 2021,” takes a historical perspective on America’s weakening democratic order and asserts, “There is a long road ahead with few guarantees that current trends will be reversed.”

Read the article.