Several Jackson School Resource Centers are helping to provide support for courses and training within the University of Washington in the High School program (UWHS). The UWHS program partners UW and Washington State high schools to offer UW courses for UW credit within high school classrooms. High school teachers are trained by UW professors and offer the same curriculum as that taught at the University. CGS has provided support for UWHS to offer Global Health 101 and Korean 103:
Introduction to Global Health: Disparities, Determinants, Policies and Outcomes (G H 101)
Provides an introduction to global health, including: the burden and distribution of disease and mortality; the determinants of global health disparities; the making of global health policies; and the outcomes of global health interventions.
First-Year Korean
Elementary speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in modern Korean.
2016 Updates
Nearly 150 teachers in 14 different subject areas participated in a UWHS training on campus with UW faculty in early May. The purpose of these trainings is to prepare approved teachers to teach UW courses in their high schools. Trainings are held annually for each subject.
The Center for West European Studies, the Canadian Studies Center, and the East Asia Center have also helped support UWHS classes in order to further the teaching of critical languages, cultural understanding, and global issues.
About UWHS
“Through the UW in the High School (UWHS) program, high school students can complete University of Washington courses — and earn UW credit — in their own classrooms with their own teachers. Students and teachers use UW curriculum, activities, texts, tests, and grading scales. Students earn a final grade over time; a grade does not depend on one exam. The UW credits that students earn are transferrable to most public and many private colleges and universities.
UWHS is fully accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). NACEP is a professional organization for high schools and colleges that fosters and supports rigorous concurrent enrollment. This accreditation demonstrates that UWHS meets or exceeds rigorous national standards of quality in the areas of curriculum, instructors, students, assessment, and program evaluation.”