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WPJ Live: Twitter Chat #OneArctic

May 14, 2016

From April 27-28, World Policy co-hosted a conference on the Arctic at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. in collaboration with the University of Washington and Trent University. The conference was the first to examine the theme of the U.S. chairmanship of the Arctic Council: “One Arctic: Shared Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities.”

During the conference, World Policy Journal presented a live Twitter chat, asking a panel of experts and our followers to weigh in on the future of the Arctic and the theme of “One Arctic” as it relates to Arctic nations and indigenous people. The conversation tackled questions crucial to understanding the role of Arctic nations, sub-national actors, and indigenous peoples when it comes to an Arctic future, using the hashtag #OneArctic.

This Twitter chat was made possible by the generous support of the University of Washington’s International Policy Institute, Jackson School of International Studies.

This article first appeared on the World Policy Institute website.