How Intellectual Dishonesty Has Improved Christianity and Islam
Friday, February 22, 2019
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Gowen 1A (Olson Room)
To any person holding modern values, the Christian and/or Muslim holy books contain horrifying provisions that condemn homosexuality and support slavery, jihad, patriarchy, genocide, collective punishment, wife beating, child marriage, and capital punishment for minor offenses. Apologists working within both traditions have developed many strategies to handle the problematic verses and passages. On the one hand, these apologetic practices are a form of intellectual dishonesty that involves human beings essentially rewriting what is supposed to be the Word of God. On the other hand, apologists have succeeded in reforming their religions from within, and religious ideas and leaders have contributed to the movement for universal human rights in recent centuries. This talk will examine both the promise and the pitfalls of intellectual dishonesty in the world’s two largest religions.