Annual Events

Founders Annual Lecture

Every year faculty and graduate students select the Founders Annual Lecturer to address campus and the larger community. The topic of this lecture focuses on a contemporary issue at the intersection of religion, politics, and culture.

Established in honor of faculty who assisted Eugene Webb, the founding chairman, in establishing and developing this nationally regarded  program.

Lecturers and Topics

2016      Kathryn Lofton, Yale, “Religion and Corporate Culture.”

2014      Randall Balmer, Dartmouth, “His own received Him Not; Jimmy Carter, Progressive Evangelism and the Religion Right.”

2013      Tanya Luhrmann, Stanford University, “Understanding the Evangelical Experience of hearing God.”

2012      Matthew Sutton, Washington State University, “Why the Anti-Christ Matters in American Politics in 2012.”

2011      Michael Sells, University of Chicago, “Holocaust, Armageddon, and the Clash of Civilizations.”

2010      Mark Lilla, Columbia University, “Separation of Church and State.”

2008      David Domke, University of Washington, “Religious Politics in America: Why the 2008 Presidential Election May Change Everything for Everyone.”

2008      Martin Riesebrodt, University of Chicago, “Globalization, Religion, and the Clash of Civilizations.”

2007      Joseph Price, Whittier College, “The Superbowl as a Center of American Pilgrimage.”

2006      Martin S. Jaffee, “Remember Amalek! Patterns of Judaic Memory and the Politics of Contemporary Judaism.”

2005      Mark Juergensmeyer, University of California, Santa Barbara “Iraq and the Global Rise of Religious Violence: A report from Baghdad.”

2004      Charles Keyes, University of Washington, “Monks, Guns, and Rice: Theravada Buddhism, Political Violence, and Social Injustice.”

2003      Frank Conlon, University of Washington, “Back to the Future or Forward to the Past? Reflections on Fanaticism, Fundamentalism and Faith in Modern Asia.”

2002      Jere Bacharach, University of Washington, “The Dome of the Rock and Early Muslim Jerusalem”.