The Middle East Center presents States of Power: Gender & Protests in Iran on November 28, 2022, a panel discussion with Nazanin Shahrokni (London School of Economics) and Peyman Safari (College of William & Mary), moderated by Arzoo Osanloo (University of Washington).
“A Feminist Revolution?” Rethinking Protests through a Feminist Lens – Nazanin Shahrokni
Nazanin Shahrokni is a sociologist and an assistant professor of gender and globalization at the London School of Economics, where she directs the MSc program for Gender and Gender Research. Her scholarly work is located at the intersection of gender and globalization, feminist geography, and ethnographies of the state in Iran, the Middle East and beyond. Nazanin is the author of the award-winning book Women in Place: The Politics of Gender Segregation in Iran (UC Press 2020). She also serves on the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association.
Labor & State in Iran: From the 1979 Revolution to the 2022 Protests – Peyman Jafari
Peyman Jafari is Assistant Professor of History and International Relations at the College of William and Mary. His research focuses on the social history of revolutions and the role of the labor movement in contemporary Iran, and the relationship between empires, labor, and ecology in the global history of oil. He is currently writing a monograph titled Oil and Labor in the Iranian Revolution: A Social History of Uneven and Combined Development.
Sponsored by the Middle East Center, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington. Contact: