The Middle East Center is very pleased to welcome Dr. Danya Al-Saleh, who has been appointed an Assistant Professor, tenure track, in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies beginning fall quarter 2022. Dr. Al-Saleh is trained as a feminist geographer with expertise in Environmental Studies and Middle East Studies.
Dr. Al-Saleh received her Ph.D. in 2021 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison writing a dissertation titled: “Petro-education: Fossil Fuel Futures between Qatar and Texas.” She is currently an ACLS Emerging Voices Fellow in the Department of Geography, UCLA.
Her research is situated at the intersections of Gulf Studies, political economy, energy geographies, and critical university studies. As a feminist geographer of political economy, her work demonstrates the connections between Environmental Justice, the energy transition, and the consolidation and reinscription of gendered subjectivities.
Her recent publications include: “Who Will Man the Rigs When We Go? Transnational Demographic Fever Dreams between Qatar and Texas,” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space (August 5 2021); “Calling All Collectives,” in M. Hawkins, et al, eds., Feminist Geography Unbound: Intimacy, Territory, and Embodied Power (West Virginia University Press, 2021); and “Contestations of Imperial Citizenship: Student Protest and Organizing in Qatar’s Education City,” International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 52(4): 733-39.