Online Book Club, “The Housekeeper and the Professor”

Program Start Date: Jul 1 2020

Location: Online program

  Participants explored a beautiful, elegant novel that is considered a classic piece of modern day Japanese literature, and was awarded the prestigious 2004 Yomiuri Prize. A best-seller and movie in Japan, Yoko Ogawa’s The Housekeeper and the Professor is centered around the unique friendship between the “professor”, a mathematician whose memory only lasts 80 minutes, and

Internationalize Your History and Current Issues Curricula – Webinar series

Program Start Date: May 19 2020

Location: Online program

The Brown University Choices Program, with support from four National Resource Centers at the University of Washington, is hosting a series of free webinars for Washington high school teachers on the following units. The East Asia Resource Center c0-sponsored the first session, which focused on the history of U.S. relations with China, but we recommend the

Disillusionment, Dystopia, and Dreams: Insights from Three Contemporary East Asian Films

Program Start Date: Jun 9 2020

Location: Online program

This online course used three contemporary films (Parasite, Mountains May Depart, After the Storm)  to discuss issues of social and economic change in East Asia, focusing on time, class divisions, globalization, and family. This workshop was divided into two parts, with a discussion forum for each film on Moodle prior to the 1-hour live Zoom

Keeping Informed as Teachers: What We Need to Know About Xinjiang Today

Program Start Date: Jun 11 2020

Location: Online program

This was a virtual program – instructions on how to join this meeting will be sent the day before the event. You have read the headlines: “The Chinese government has reportedly detained more than a million Muslims in reeducation camps.” Teachers joined us as we discussed the stories beyond the headlines and grapple with Xinjiang’s

Day of The Western Sunrise: An Interdisciplinary Toolkit for Teaching

Program Start Date: Jun 2 2020

Location: Online program

Teachers engaged in cross-curricular critical thinking opportunities in this online workshop that followed the process of creating and producing the modern animated documentary film Day of the Western Sunrise using traditional Japanese storytelling techniques. The program began with a brief background of the film presented by its director, Keith Reimink, who brought the story of