Beyond the Boom
Task Force 2014
Abstract: The shale oil revolution of the early twenty-first century has placed the United States at one of its most pivotal points in recent history with regards to energy policy.
Managing Decline in a Turbulent World
Task Force 2014
Abstract: The European Union is at a turning point in its approach vis-à-vis security and international relations. The 2003 European Security Strategy (ESS) laid out a vision for the EU
Pathways to Security
Task Force 2014
Abstract: This report focuses on three primary themes within the international refugee regime and identifies gaps in protection for Convention as well as non-Convention forced migrants. The first, solidarity, refers
Task Force 2014
Abstract: Though no complex framework is needed to gauge the grave human costs brought about by three years of conflict in Syria, the crisis itself has been driven by a
Playing Chicken with Big Ag
Task Force 2014
Abstract: While a focus on pandemic preparedness is important, it does not address long term solutions to outbreak. In our highly globalized world, massive inequalities shape an environment in which
Zero by 2030
Task Force 2014
Abstract: This Task Force report will tackle the immense, but clearly attainable goal of eliminating extreme poverty by 2030, addressing the ways in which USAID is working to end extreme
Negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Task Force 2014
Abstract: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) currently being negotiated between the United States and the European Union stands to be the largest free trade agreement ever created. The